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March 2017 Meeting Minutes

Cindra Justice

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

March 4th, 2017

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

The meeting was called to order by President Bill Michael.

Seventeen members were in attendance. They were Bill Michael, Jim Lee, Kevin Roberts, Dave Neil, Jim Patrick, Dan Blackwood, Steve Ewing, Mark Mason, Richard Stephenson, Larry Stonestreet, George White, Earl Arentz, Wes Holliday. Nick Konnovitch, Barry McCoy, Charlie Justice and Cindra Justice. We had one visitor, Alex Watt. Tickets were given out for a door prize drawing.

We were honored to have a visitor Alex Watt with us. He is from San Diego and a British Car owner. He shared the story of some of the cars he owns and how he obtained them. He is here working for the Corp of Engineers and may attend another meeting if he is still here. If you would like to correspond with Alex, his address is, 3610 DuPont Street, San Diego, CA 92106.

Old business mentioned:

The February Pistons and Pints at Fazio’s was very nice.

New Business discussed:

1. Bill Michael gave a Treasurer’s Report of $1,376.09. Money holding about the same as last month.

2. Future Pistons and Pints were discussed. Pies & Pints was suggested. We will check into that for April or sometime after that.

3. Our next Pistons and Pints will be at Fat Patty’s in Teays Valley. March 16th at 6pm. Flyers were passed around as reminders of that.

4. Bill mentioned The World of Wheels is going on today at the Big Sandy Arena in Huntington.

5. Insurance for the club was discussed. In the past we have had NAMGBR Insurance. This is available to us if 8 of our members belong to the NAMGBR. That qualifies us as a chapter and all chapters get the insurance. Bill will check with Scott Evans to see if he can continue to handle that for the club.

6. There was some discussion about the upcoming British V-8 meet in June. It will be held in Lewisburg, WV, June 7 - 11, 2017.

7. Tech manuals were discussed. Some club members have some specific ones and are willing to share information. Others can be downloaded at a low cost from ebay. It was decided not to put those on our website.

8. Kevin has volunteered to host a Tech Session at the school he teaches at, The Putnam Career & Technical Center. Possibly doing that on a Saturday after our club meeting or on an evening. More planning is needed.

9. Antique Auto Club of America is holding a car show in Huntington May 26th & 27th at the HIMG parking lot near the I64 29th. St. exit. You must be a member to enter a car. There is a $35 membership fee.

10. Jim Lee won the door prize. It was an adjustable/flexible ratchet from O’Reilly’s.

Meeting adjourned.

Cindra Justice

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