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Spring 2017 Gauley Mountain Cruise

Dan Blackwood

Due to the heavy rains on Friday, we discovered that there was a mudslide near Smithers, so there was a flurry of email about the status of our drive for Saturday. Someone suggested leaving an hour later in order to allow the roads to dry out some. The yard sale at Laidley Field resulted in our meeting spot being full of cars, but we met there anyway, parking in the aisles. It really didn't seem to bother anyone, and several yard sale shoppers checked out our cars as they went by.

We left at 10, with me leading the way in my TR4A. There were 5 MGBs, Mark and Connie, Jamie and Angie, Nathan, Dave and Kevin with his newly acquired GT. Also in the pack was Richard and his low-flying airplane (Morgan Trike). British-inspired cars joining the parade were a Miata, piloted by George, a Corvette, driven by Barry (I think he was worried about getting mud on his B) and Steve, driving his Chrysler.

Weather was cloudy to start with, and a little cool. Some of us went topless, others opted to keep the roof up. I know Jamie was glad he did when they passed a truck going the opposite direction through a giant water puddle. Luckily for Nathan and me, we timed it between splashes.

We stopped at the usual Glen Ferris Inn. Water in the Kanawha was quite high and muddy. Our drive up Gauley Mountain was fun as always, but we got intermingled with some Harleys. The road there was still wet so it made the bikers skittish. I was able to get around them fairly early but it took the rest of our group a while. We made the stop at Hawk's Nest and the group decided Pies and Pints would be a good idea for lunch,

While we were at Hawk's Nest, an old friend of George's showed up. He had a TR6 back in the day, and climbed into my TR4A to see if he still could (he has had some orthopedic work). There is a possible TR in his future!

Back down Gauley Mtn to Chimney corner, up 16 to Fayetteville was a nice run. Jamie was having fun tailing me through the twistys on that road and we actually had a truck pull over and let us by.

At Pies and Pints, we were stopped by a local man named James Thompson. He owns a B and has been on our website. He plans to join and will most likely be at the picnic on June 10.

We completed the loop by taking 19 across the New River Gorge Bridge to US 60, back to Hawk's nest where we stopped long enough for the group to catch up (some were caught by the red light on 19) and for Dave to lower the roof on his MGB, then we went on down Gauley Mtn. By this time the road had finally dried enough to be a little fun. I got ahead a good bit and pulled over to catch a picture of each car through a nice curve.

Here is what Jamie had to say in his email, ''I just want to say that was one of the best British car club drives I have been on. The weather was English like, the roads were full of challenges, the food was awesome and the company was fantastic! First time I recall most of the cars were together all the way back as well as up. I received a hillbilly car wash courtesy of a large truck. We ate at Pies and Pints Fayetteville and had a great time.

I look forward to the next one."

Every drive I have been on with the WVBCC has been a lot of fun, but every one has been different. It seems we usually end up with around a dozen cars, but there are always a variety. The last time we had a bunch of Triumphs and Jags and only a couple of MGs. This time we had a bunch of MGs, no Jags and only one Triumph, but we did have Richard's Morgan. We should do this more.

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