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July Monthly Meeting Minutes

William Hall

July Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club Minutes of Meeting July 6, 2018 Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Bill Michael, David Neil, Larry Stonestreet, Ken Rubin, Charles & Cindra Justice, Mark Mason, Don Gross, Richard Stephenson, Larry Kopleman, Kevin Roberts, Steve Ewing, Mark Robinson, Barry McCoy, Gil Frederick, Richard Reese, Charles Hypes, Bob Waldron, Jim Patrick, George White, Jim Dumas (New Member) William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Michael at 9:30AM.

Bill first greeted all those present, and noting the large number attending.

Old Business Discussion and Treasurer’s Report:

Bill called for a discussion of old business. There being none, he then moved to the treasurer’s report. As the treasurer could not attend today’s meeting, Bill gave an abbreviated report. We began the month of June with approximately $2,100 in the treasury, $600 was expended during June leaving around $1,500.

New Business Discussion:

Bill discussed the possibility of our club sponsoring a charity event, such as a car cruise to raise funds for a charitable cause, such as St. Jude Children’s Hospital. A discussion was made of the manner of raising the funds: internal through the club or member’s individual contributions; whether to support a national organization or local; a one-time event or an annual event, etc. The proposal was tabled for now, with a request for any recommendations the members may have in this regard.

Before proceeding with other new business, Bill reviewed recent past events:

Thanks to the Justices for sponsoring June’s Pistons & Pints at the law firm of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler. The event was well attended and all had a great evening.

The Hawk’s Nest cruise was a success with 13 cars and a great luncheon at Pies & Pints at Fayetteville.

Bill then lead a discussion of upcoming events:

There is a cruise-in tonight in Winfield.

The British V8 meet is July 11 thru 16, in Dayton – Dan Blackwood is to attend.

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix will be July 11 thru 14. This will also will be the location for the annual MGC Registry meet.

August 4th is the Dayton British car show and several members are attending. We will still have our monthly meeting that day at Cross Lanes at the usual time.

August 9th is a Pocahontas County cruise sponsored by Jim & Rusty Patrick and Bill & Lillie Hall. The cruise route will extend into Hot Springs, Va. on Saturday and possibility of dinner at the Locust Hill Bed & Breakfast in Marlinton on Saturday PM. More discussion on this at the August 4th meeting.

September 29th is a car show in Gauley Bridge, WV.

October 5 & 6: SVBCC British Car Festival in Waynesboro, Va. Several members have expressed interest in attending this rather than the annual Doo Wop event in Charleston the same weekend.

October 6th is the Myrtle Beach Britfest Car Show.

The meeting was adjourned by President Michael at 10:00 to the parking lot for the customary tire kicking, etc.

Wm Hall, Secretary

PS: New member Jim Dumas arrived just after adjournment in his Lotus Elise – Please welcome Jim to our club!

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