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Hawks Nest Cruise 2020

Writer's picture: Bill HallBill Hall

We had our annual spring cruise to Hawks Nest despite the Covid 19 pandemic. We were staying safe and wearing masks, mostly, and keeping our distance. No hugs or handshakes; people are meant to touch each other so this was especially hard.

Cassidy Wood from channel 13 happened onto our group as we were preparing to leave from our usual parking lot at the corner of Greenbrier and Washington streets. She inquired as to what was going on and wanted to do an article for the news. She interviewed Bill Michael and took video of the cars. Here's the link to the spot that was on the news at 6:00PM.

Cassidy also took a video of us heading down Rt. 60 in front of the Capitol. Here's the link to that video. She posted this on Facebook.

As I said in the interview, this is the highest number of cars (20) and people (30) we have ever had on a cruise. We're as much a social club as we are a car club and we really wanted to get together and see each other.

Here are the photos:

I also took a video of me going up the mountain.

If you were unable to go on this cruise with us we hope you can join us for our next one. Watch you email for upcoming events or check the club calendar.

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