August Meeting Minutes
WV British Car Club
Minutes of Meeting
August 1, 2020
Members Present were: David Neil, Jack & Beverly Sampson, Mike Berlin, Kevin & Teresa Halloran, George White, Josh Miller, Dan Blackwood, Mark Mason, Jamie Chenoweth, David Chenoweth, Eric Steuber, Earl Arentz, Barry McCoy, Roger McCoy, Martha Marten, Bob Denyer, Larry Kopelman, Bill Michael, William Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Bill Michael, President, at approximately 9:30AM. The meeting was held at the St. Albans Roadside Park under one of the picnic shelters.
The club provided coffee and donuts for the members.
Bill Michael recalled the past month’s events:
- last month’s meeting, held at Richard Reese’s wonderful garage and man-cave.
- last week’s cruise to Ripley and Cedar Lakes, with a lunch stop at the Yacht Club restaurant. At least 16 had lunch there, inside and out. Everyone made it home safely.
Since most all car shows have been cancelled this year due to the pandemic, Bill suggested that members relate the restoration projects they have going on:
- Jamie Chenoweth’s E-Type Jaguar
- David Chenoweth’s E-Type Jaguar
- Josh Miller’s MGA
- Bill Michael’s TR6
Barry McCoy brought up a potential cruise for September or October to Hill’s Classic Cars owned by Marvin Hill of Racine, Ohio. It is a restoration garage that specializes in MGs.
Bill Michael then led a discussion into the upcoming Greenbrier Concours D’Elegance Car Show Sept 4 thru 6: Friday evening cruise; Saturday car show on the golf course which has a $25 registration fee to enter a car, but is free to spectators. Sunday is the Concours Show which is free to registrants and spectators. Dan Blackwood reported that he had reserved a block of rooms at the Brier Inn for $99/nite. A cookout for the attending members is being planned for Saturday evening at Doug Myers’ place in Ronceverte on the Greenbrier River.
It was also brought up that since a number of members will be at this show on the first Saturday of the month, should the monthly meeting be moved? After some discussion, it was agreed to move the September meeting to the following Saturday, the 12th.
Bill Michael floated the idea for a club event to have a “Movie Night” coupled with a cook-out. Mentioned was the recent movie “Ford vs. Ferrari” which many of us recently watched in the theater’s and enjoyed. All that is needed is a location, screen and a projector. Bill will look into and have more on this later.
Mark Mason brought up our club car show, which is scheduled for Saturday, the 10th of October. Larry Kopelman is to check on the availability of the Beni Kedem parking lot and Mark will check on the food truck vendor that we had for this event last year. There was also a discussion of the possibility of having a radio controlled race car group to be there.
There being no further business brought before the members, President Michael adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:20AM for the usual tire-kicking and kibitzing in the parking lot.
William L. Hall, Secretary