We had our normal monthly meeting at the Golden Corral in Cross Lanes. Those in attendance were Mark & Connie Mason, Paul Mason, Richard Stephenson, Steve Ewing, Kevin Roberts, Me (Bill Michael), Ken Rubin and his guest David Aarons, Bob Wright, Dave Neil, Larry Koppelman, Charles & Cindy Justice and Jim & Rusty Patrick.
I gave a quick overview of my and Barry McCoy's trip to the Vintage Grand Prix at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, OH. We had a great time and saw lots of great racing, and a few mishaps. Nothing serious, just a couple of off course excursions and a couple of gravel trap experiences.
I also mentioned Jim Ward and his original Shelby Cobra. See my previous blog for that story.

We discussed our cruise in August to Chilhowie, VA. and the claw of the dragon. I think quite a few folks are going and Richard Stephenson, who is in charge, will send me an e-mail with more details and I'll forward it to the entire membership.
Our Pistons & Pints meeting this month will be at Don Gross' garage in Barboursville. Probably on the 12th. Watch your e-mail for more information on that.
Finally we discussed the recent devastation from the floods. Richard Stephenson moved that we give $250 to Angie Chenoweth's cousin whose home was severely damaged and also $250 to Kevin Roberts' aunt whose husband was washed away and drowned and whose home was also washed away. The motion was seconded by Jim Patrick. The motion passed unanimously.
Next up was our cruise to Point Pleasant and the Riverboat Museum and lunch provided by Barry McCoy.