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July Meeting Minutes

William Hall

July Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

July 6, 2019

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Kevin Roberts, Dan Blackwood, Charles Hypes, Don & Susan Jeffers, David Neil, Mark Mason, Barry McCoy, Bob Wright, Larry Kopleman, Steve Ewing, Ken Rubin, Bill Michael, Steve Reed, Tommy Isaacs, Matthew Hancock, Wes Holiday, John Chapman, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Bill Michael, President, at approximately 9:30AM

As there were some new members present, Bill had everyone introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves and their cars.

There was to be a “Presidential Sing” at today’s meeting, however, as the composer, Charlie Justice, could not attend, it was tabled until the next meeting.

Richard Sinclair sent a note for us to consider having a “Veteran’s Ride” at a Veteran’s Hospital or Veteran’s Home in the area. We would take 4 or 5 British cars to the facility and give a top’s down drive for any vet that would like to go. Several hospitals and care facilities were mentioned as possibilities. The Veteran’s Home in Barboursville was noted as a possibility as many of the vets in the hospitals may not be ambulatory. Ken Rubin volunteered to check into this. Also, may be worth contacting the media if we decide to do this.

Bill Michael noted that no publicity has come out regarding Greg Ervin’s annual car show that he and his wife sponsor (in their front yard) in Jackson, Ohio on Labor Day weekend. It was noted that last year word of the event did not go out until mid-August, thus, we should assume it will be held this year. Several members have attended for the last 4 years after Mr. Ervin gave several of us attending a “First Friday” event in Ashland a flyer. Each year he has the participants vote on their favorite cars, and gives an award out to all that attend with a British car or motorbike.

John Chapman informed us of a cruise possibility out of Pomeroy, Ohio on Route 56, and also a series of two-lane roads referred to as the Windy 9 (nine winding two-lane loops originating in Athens, Ohio that are popular with Bikers.

Pistons & Pints for July will be (tentatively) at the Quaker Steak & Lube restaurant on corridor G on Thursday, July 18th. The store manager will rope off a section of the parking lot for our cars. Dan Blackwood commented that the original idea of the Pistons & Pints was for any member to suggest a location (restaurant, member’s garage, etc), and not necessarily on a Thursday night. Restaurants are fine, however sometimes it is hard to socialize when we are all seated at one long table. Thus, other venues are welcome.

Bill Michael led a discussion on upcoming car shows:

Dayton British Car Show – August 10th at the Eastwood Metro Park.

Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix – July 11 thru July 21 at Schenley Park. British Car Day is July 20th.

Car Show at Mallory Airport in South Charleston on August 3rd sponsored by Greg Chandler. David Chenoweth has a hanger there that we could make use of if needed. We can do this immediately after our August meeting that Saturday AM.

Cincinnati British Car Day on Sunday, July 14th. Sponsored by the British Car Club of Cincinnati.

Myrtle Beach Britfest 2019 Car & Motorcycle Show – October 5th at the Market Common (which is near the old Air Force Base.

Cruise-in at HIMG tonight at the 29th street exit of I64.

Bill Michael noted that these events can be found on the club’s calendar located on the WVBCC website’s home page.

President Michael adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:30AM to the parking lot for some tire-kicking and kibitzing.

Wm Hall, Secretary

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