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July Meeting Minutes

Bill Hall

July Meeting Minutes

WV British Car Club

Minutes of Meeting

July 1, 2017

Golden Corral, Cross Lanes, WV

Members Present were: Bill Michael, Jimmy Lee, Jamie Chenoweth, Mark Mason, Kevin Roberts, Barry McCoy, Ken Rubin, Dave Neil, George White, Dan Blackwood, Jim Schuman, Richard Reese, Richard Stevenson, Don Gross, Steve Ewing, Bob Waldron, Don McDowell, Bob Wright, William Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Michael at 9:45AM.

Each member introduced themselves and their car(s) British or otherwise.

Old business discussed:

  1. British V-8 Club convention: Dan Blackwood reported that the recent convention, held at Lewisburg, was a great success. He went over the three day’s activities, such as the drive to Cass Scenic RR, plus a Cass engine shop tour on Thursday, Dyno pulls on Friday, plus a special beer brewed for the occasion by Greenbrier Valley Brewing Co. Then, on Saturday, the WVBCC hosted a picnic at Hawk’s Nest for around 75. Dan thanked those who helped and presented a check in the amount of $600 to the club as a reimbursement of our costs. He also presented Kevin Roberts (our resident chef and grill meister) with a $25 Moss gift certificate.

  2. Flash Picnic: On the following Monday, the club held a “flash picnic” at the St. Albans roadside park to use up the leftovers from the British V-8 Club picnic. About two dozen were in attendance, and no one went home hungry.

  3. Doo Wop Car Show coming up October 4th thru the 8th: Bill Michael informed the club that we will have access to the Casci parking lot on Sat and Sun; you will have to register your car in order to get on the lot, however, will be able to come and go as we please those two days.

  4. American MGC Registry convention coming up Sept 29th thru Oct 2nd in Abingdon, VA. Richard Stephenson reported that the three day event is open to all other British makes as well. There will be a trip to Bristol Motor Speedway, a Broadway show at the Barter Theater, a car show at the lake at Hungry Mother State Park, plus other activities. Rooms are available at the Comfort Suites in Abingdon at special rates for the convention participants.

New business discussed:

  1. Ken Rubin informed us that we have been invited to join the Capitol City Harley Owners Group for the “Ride for Fallen Service Heroes” on Saturday July 8th. Meet at the Harley Shop in So Charleston at 8:30 to 10AM for a cruise to Ripley and back over two lane roads, with stops at two National Guard locations and a picnic afterwards at Coonskin Park. Should be over by around 4PM.

  2. Flash Cruise Sunday July 2nd with Mark & Connie Mason, to be joined by Barry McCoy in Ripley to go to the Wild Horse Café in Pomeroy, OH for lunch. The route, of course, will be over two lane roads. Be at the usual parking lot near the Capitol by 11AM.

  3. On July 9th, Bill Michael is attending the British Car Club of Cincinnati’s show to be held at Harbin Park in Fairfield, OH. Let him know if you are interested in attending with him.

  4. Bill Michael is looking for a volunteer to be the club’s Face Book Administrator. This would give our club exposure to millions of people.

  5. Jamie Chenoweth, club treasurer, reported that we have $1,535 in our bank account (not counting the $600 check from the Brit V-8 club), also 42 paid members.

  6. Barry McCoy reminded the club that he has club T-Shirts for sale. So be sure to get one (or more).

  7. Leonard’s Plating in St. Albans is considering closing for lack of business, thus, please send business their way if you can. We don’t want to see one of the last chrome shops in the region close! They’ve been in business since the 1940’s.

  8. The Door Prize drawing was won by George White. Some sort of screwdriver that looks like a pistol. Congrats to George!

President Michael adjourned the meeting at 10:30AM (with further kibitzing and tire kicking to be held in the parking lot).

Wm Hall, Secretary

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