At 9:30am we had about 5 members in the room. This always makes me nervous. By the time Dan started the meeting at 10:00 AM, all the folks below had shown up:
Mark Mason
Ken Rubin
Bill Michael
Bill Hall
Nathan Arnette
Larry Stonestreet
Bill Halstead
Dave Neil
Dan Blackwood
Larry Kopelman
Earl Arentz
Steve Ewing
Bob Waldron
Don Gross
We started with upcoming events so that the members who couldn't stay for the whole meeting would know what's coming up.
The Rock the Park Show at Kanawha State Forest is today after the meeting. No one wanted to go but I decided to check it out. I went there and it was a gorgeous drive. I only stayed a little while because when I stood up after sitting on a bale of straw to listen to one of the musical groups I discovered that my pants had split wide open and my ass was hanging out. While I know I have a pretty cute ass I was pretty sure that no one wanted to see it. I therefore, went to my car, went home, and threw my pants away.
The 14th annual British Car Show at the home of Greg and Kay Ervin in Jackson OH is tomorrow, Sunday.
The Golden Oldies Car Show at the Capitol is Monday.
The 6-Pack Trials is next weekend. Bill Hall and I are going to that.
The Nitro Car Club is having a show next weekend as well.
This month we are combining Pistons & Pints with the TGIF Car Show on Sunday September 18th from 1-4PM at the Hawks Nest Lodge.
The East Bank Reunion is Sept. 23 at the Beni Kedem Shrine Temple in Charleston. We have been invited once again to tend bar and handle registration duties. We drafted Kevin Roberts as the Chairman. Jamie will get the Beer, Cups, and whatever else we need to tend bar. He's done it in years past so he knows what to get and how much. Larry Kopelman will handle getting the wine. Jim & Rusty Patrick will be on registration again this year. Other members helping out are Jimmy Lee, Steve Ewing, Dave Neil, Mark & Connie Mason and me. Members should be there at 5:00pm. At 6:00pm Super Duper Charlie Cooper comes in as the D.J. At 6:30pm Dinner is served and at 8:00pm the Esquires perform.
We plan on having a fall picnic and all we really know is that we drafted Kevin Roberts to cook. Others helping out will be Bill Michael and Dave Neil. We are open to suggestions for a date and location. Right now we're thinking we will go to Shawnee park in Dunbar.
Our Christmas Party will be at the offices of Hill, Peterson, Carper, Bee & Deitzler. The tentative date is Friday evening Dec. 16th. This is hosted by Charles and Cindy Justice. Stand by for more information as the time gets closer. We know it will be a great time because Charlie and Cindy had a Pistons & Pints a couple of months ago and everyone had a great time.
Steve Doty has graciously offered his home in Fox Chase in Charleston for next year's summer picnic. We are taking him up on his offer. Stand by for more information on this event.
The British V8 meet is in Lewisburg at the Brier Inn from June 7th through the 11th of 2017. Dan and Jim Blackwood have asked for our help as they host this event. Again, stand by for more information.
I'm really excited about this next event. There will be a Greenbrier Concours d'Elegance next year on Sept. 22-24. Friday will be a collector car auction, Saturday will be Club Day at the Greenbrier and Sunday will be the actual Concours d'Elegance with significant cars by invitation, some of which will be million dollar cars. I don't think mine will be one of them. With the Greenbrier and Jim Justice involved you can expect this event to grow into a Pebble Beach, Amelia Island, Hilton Head type of event. I've talked with the organizer and I'm pretty sure our club will be significantly involved. Hence my excitement.
In other business, the executive committee met last month and decided that in the future we will not be using club funds for charitable donations. We erred when we did it for the flood victims. While we sympathize with the victims of this disaster we believe it should be individual contributions rather than club funds that go to help these victims.
At our next meeting we'll talk about how we are going to participate in the Rod Run and Doo Wop show. If you are planning to be in this show, please come to the meeting and help decide when we will go, and any other particulars we want to discuss about the Doo Wop.
Also, next month we will accept nominations for our new office holders. If you intend to place someone's name in nomination, please check to make sure they are willing to serve prior to the meeting. The term of office is for two years and Dan has indicated that he would like someone else to take over as president and Scott has indicated the same thing with regard to the secretary's position. I'm willing to do what ever the club wants and Jamie is happy to continue as treasurer.
We Adjourned at 10:30am and started the interesting part of our meeting of telling car stories.