August 2022 Minutes
August Meeting Minutes WVBritishCarClub August13,2022
Members Present were: Mark Mason, David Chenoweth, Barry McCoy, Roger McCoy, Eric Stuber, Larry Kopelman, Bill Michael, Paul Rutledge, Richard Reese, Kevin Halloran, Dan Blackwood, Jamie Chenoweth, Charles Hypes, Josh Miller, George White, Jim Patrick, Mike Goodwin, William Hall.
Mark Mason called the meeting to order at 10:40 AM. The meeting was held at Mark's property at the Roxalana Plaza.
Mark began the meeting welcoming our new member: Mike Goodwin, of Sissonville, who owns a 1976 MGB.
Mark asked for a progress report on club member projects with their cars:
- Jamie Chenoweth - Getting close to getting his XKE on the ground and running - Josh Miller- also making progress on his MGA project
WVBCC Website Update Project: Mark asked if anyone could take on the updating and managing of the club's website. There is quite a lot ofwork involved to keep the website current, thus, this is a big commitment. Bill Michael volunteered to take this on, and to get the calendar updated as soon as possible, as several members have inquired about it.
Mark asked everyone around the room to introduce themselves and their cars for the benefit of our new members.
It was noted that the WCBCC will no longer be attending the bar at the annual East Bank Reunions as the reunion committee will handle this going forward. This has been a good source of fund raising for the club in pastyears.
The discussion turned to upcoming events:
- Today, after the meeting will be a cruise to Big Bend Golf Course where we will have lunch and a"Putt Putt" golftournament.
- Wed 8/17/22 - Pints & Pistons at "The Pitch Sports Bar & Grill" in Dunbar - 6PM
- Thurs 8/18/22 - Summer Fest, So Charleston - Esquires are playing at 6PM
- Sat 8/20/22 - Larry Bailey's Solid Gold Car Show at Goldtown, WV, 10AM, saluting Super Duper Charley Cooper
- Sun 9/4/22 - Greg & Kay Ervin's British Motorcycle & Car Show at their home in Jackson, OH 1 - 4PM. Ifyou have attended before, you will receive an invitation from the Ervin's. RSVP required as they will supply box lunches for everyone attending. You may bring a desert item, however.
- Fri & Sat Sept 9 & 10,2022 - Racine, Ohio's "Party in the Park"; Saturday Car Show - may cruise to the car show from Charleston
- Sun Sept11,2022 - British Car Day, Cincinnati, OH, at a new location - Village Green Park in Fairfield, OH. This year's featured marque is the MGB. There will be a swap meet and usually there is a good T- Shirtforthe event.
- Wed - Sat Oct 5-8, 2022 - Charleston's Rod Run & Doo Wop Car Show on Kanawha Blvd. Early Reg ends August 31st. This will be the final year for this show.
- Sat Oct 15, 2022 - WVBCC Car Show at the Beni Kedem Temple parking lot from 10AM - 4PM.
- Fri Dec16,2022 - WCBCC Annual Christmas Party at the Beni Kedem Temple in Charleston from 6 - 9PM.
With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned to the parking lot at 11:40AM for the members to cruise to Big Bend GolfCourse.